Monday, April 6, 2009

Today was an interesting day because we had a chance to attend a lecture. There were three choices for us to choose because we had to attend lectures which started at 9:30. Finally, David, Tien Elyana and I found us in the some group, and our lecture was Introduction to Fitness and Health, which was in Curtis Lecture Hall L. Then, all the students went to find the lecture.

After all of the students had their choices, we went to the lectures. Because most of us did not know where these locations were, the teacher led us to find the places. On the way, four students left and went to another place, and rest of us with the teacher, continued to search for Curtis Lecture Hall. We spent some time finding Curtis Lecture Hall outside the building in the cold weather, and then we looked for Hall L around the whole building. Finally, we went upstairs and found it on the third floor, and we went in quickly.

When we entered Hall L, the lecture had already begun. Firstly, the professor reviewed some material which he had taught the previous week in a few minutes, and then he started something new. In the lecture, he taught the factors affecting health which include heredity, age, sex, body size and composition, training status and environmental condition. Secondly, in a section about how indirect tests predict VO, the professor explained that people can predict oxygen consumption from sub maximal heart rate repose. Then, the professor gave an equation: Blood Pressure=Cardiac Output ×Total Peripheral Resistance. Finally, the professor gave some charts and tables to show some data about blood pressure.

During the lecture, the professor was interesting. He did many actions to explain what he was talking about. He, for example, performed some sport exercises to explain blood pressure in the arms and legs. At the same time, most of the students listened very carefully. Some of them typed summaries on their laptops, and some of them just paid attention to the lecture, for example.

In the lecture, I did not feel very good. This may be because the lecture was so academic that I could not understand many words. It may be also because I did not have some background information about blood pressure. As a result, it was a little difficult to understand. However, I liked the lecture because the professor was interesting, and I did not find the class boring. Furthermore, I could understand one student’s question and the professor’s answer. To be honest, I liked this professor‘s class, but I was sorry that there were so many new words.

In conclusion, today’s lecture was a good way to show us real life in university. I will choose another lecture when I have free time so that I can improve my English.

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